February 1, 2009

Persona non Grata

As dictated by Faranza Syns

Yeah. That's me. Unwanted, unneeded.

Lol, ew, don't wanna be emo today. Ugh. Either ways, I just found God's creation that is a blessing to all mankind (and pretty much orgasm-inducing for my Avatar-shop obsessions.)


I have no idea if it's better than Adobe Photoshop (since I've never done work using Adobe), but it is many, many leagues better than ArcSoft PhotoStudio. God, so, so much better.

Here's a little something that came out of Paint.Net.

It's not you. It's just a Fashion Statement.

How long did it take me? Around three hours or so. That was the fastest I did a photoshop. And no, I am not going to stop doing photoshops.


I searched the net for the meaning of persona non grata (it's Latin).

Got this:

.... also abbreviated PNG.

I was like, "really?".

Then, I was about to save some changes to my photoshop. Then, I saw

File format: PNG.

Persona non grata?


Haha, okay, okay, I'm pretty much crapping BS right now. School's about to reopen. And life's about to get hectic again. *Sigh*

And I miss Dream. When's he coming back, I wonder?


#1 : Perjury! Hang!

# 2:... I know you're excited, but really, what was I supposed to say? I need to poop?