September 30, 2008

Come Sunday...

As dictated by Faranza Syns

I most probably won't be blogging till Sunday. Wanna guess the reason? No need, because logically, everyone knows the answer. =_=''...

I haven't packed my bags, haven't cleaned my room, haven't ironed my clothes.. @_@... why do I feel so busy all of the sudden? haha.

I'm in pain right now. And if I didn't know better, I'd say I ripped a muscle. So, yeah, I won't say I ripped a muscle. More like I pulled it. =_=''.. my brother was doing some washing in the laundry room just now. And the laundry room is right beside this computer room. Him, being the slug that he is, was messy about it. Water was everywhere. And, lucky me, I didn't notice the water on the floor when I was traipsing out of the computer room.

Yup, you guessed it. I slipped. In fact, if I hadn't had good reflexes, I'd have done a split right then. And since I had such great reflexes, I gripped the muscles on my pelvis. =_='' are there muscles there? God knows. But now, because of that slip, my pelvis hurts like mad whenever I walk. Brilliant, no? Haha.

But I guess I can't stay mad at him for long. o_O... he looks like he's suffering. Is he THAT tired?

Anyways, I'd best get a move on. ;p Had better get ready now, or I'm gonna wake up at 4 in the morning packing my bags.

McDonald's for dinner.
Slurpee is a no-go.
End of the month,
We're winners.