October 16, 2008

Hardly The Type I Fall For

As dictated by Faranza Syns

Stalking might be fun. But it won't be so fun when I turn the table on you. S/A. I know who you are. I can see where you go, where you are, where you live, do some background checks on you. And yes, I do know you exist. So fess up now, and I'll leave you unscathed.

Scott-free. But if you still persist on acting dumb, remember this: hell hath seen no fury like a woman scorned. I'm sure you of all people should have seen this phrase somewhere.

And yeah, if you wanna tell me about you deep, inner feelings, just tell me. Despite the fierceness of those upper two paragraphs, I don't really bite. Not humans that is. I prefer fish. And white meat.

But wait... you're somewhat white meat too. Okay, forget it. I'm just too happy right now to make much sense.


*sob*... I can't believe I can call myself Head of Department for Bahasa Malaysia. *sob sob*

I'm Inaugirations' H.O.D for the Prefectorial Board, and BM H.O.D for Editorial Board. Yes, I am gloating, everyone. I rarely get the chance to, so bear with me. I'm not smart so I can't really take pride in that. At least I finally get to gloat. *Sigh* Aw, cut me some slack! Haha.


I sms-ed my former HOD. Basically, this is his response:
Note: The one's in peach are my notes.
Haha! What a good news! Congratulations. Try to imagine me saying this with a sincere face: "Farhana, after several long months of shedding blood and sweat for the seemingly unending blizzard of assignments which almost set you bottom alight for sitting in front of the screeen typing non-stop, finally, u've proven urself to be d toughest! Even though ur arse has been burnt into ashes and you are no longer 'complete'--rather deformed-- u've made it till today. something worth awarding, thus the prestigious post. You're truly amazing (Yes, I know that, Zi Kang. Of course.) I salute you. (Yes, Zi Kang, go ahead.)" Haha. Done freaking out? I didn't pick you to check the magazine with me for no reason, dear Farhana. U r competent and d best I could ever find. At last, you can wield your power and torture ur members. It's your turn. :-D


That's true, Zi Kang! OMG, thanks for reminding me. XD

Lainey, dear, congrats! Jules, my beloved affair, congrats too. Mel, congrats! Hmm... who else? Kye Li? ;p haha. I dunno if you guys know already. And I'M NOT TOO SURE if I heard the names right. lol.

Oh, by the way, Laine, you said you changed your number. But I still haven't got it. haha. I changed my number, too, you know.

I'm thinking of writing another story, but maybe not now. I have the draft already, but... well... maybe later. Hey people, I want comments. Elaine C commented on 'Kiss Kiss Muahx'. Lol, she's disappointed Dannette didn't meet someone new. XD

I love Devon, Elaine. I'm so not killing off his character. XD

He's one of the type of guys that are annoying, but unbearably endearing.

Those who haven't read my stories, if you guys want to, look for the posts "Vandalism - A Crime?" and "Kiss Kiss Muahx!"

Lol, I'm promoting my stories. XD.

If you guys are promoting it too, please state firmly that the stories are mine. Or Faranza Syns'. I already have some people (not here, but elsewhere) who used to claim they wrote the stories I wrote.

Sigh, I guess you can't help plagiarism from happening.

Including in class. Lol.

We used to be so lazy to finish our BM homework. Then, one day, Pn Noria said she wanted to collect all our books. Alright, use your imagination. Imagine how all of use panicked. And so, since there was so much to be done, we decided to just copy one another. Lol, one of us took a book from those who have finished the exercise, then she typed it out and printed for all of us.

We thought, "Great! Now we're safe!"

But when we got back our books, the was a word written at the last page of our assignments.

Direct translation: plagiarism.


We might be Alpha-ians. But we're still young, with all the bluster, passion and will-power only youth can bring. We might seem silly, but some of are wise beyond our years. We might seem crazy and seem to ruffle people's feathers the wrong way. But we're still young, and still learning. It's our prerogative to learn. And no matter how eccentric we seem, we are merely special in a quirky kind of way.

We just love life.