October 21, 2008

Emo Undone

As dictated by Faranza Syns

Okay, I've had my emo session with myself. It involved a lot of crying, suspicions, misguided accusation, self-consuming hatred, crying, tonnes of tissues, lots of eye-rubbing, lots of falling asleep because my head ached too much, crying... and did I mention crying? Yes, well, that did happen a lot.

But I guess that is understandable. I get hurt and offended easily these days. I ponder over the smallest things, and find even the smallest reasons to run into a rampage. When people don't realise I'm hurting, I hurt more, and pull myself away. But I guess that's just me. And PMS.

Sucks, huh?

I can't really tell you guys who in particular hurt me. And why. Because I feel it's something I just need to keep to myself. It just feels that way.

But for now, I'm trying to stop being emo. Well, at least to the extent that I won't actually toss a broom down onto the floor when someone says "You're so not understanding."

p/s: Jet, Mel. I love you guys, you know? ^_^ And yes, Jet, thanks for the socks. =_=''

Because hey... I still want to enjoy life.
No matter how tough...

And I want to sleep as peacefully as he...

Let life run its course.
We'll sit back and ride it all the way.