January 9, 2009

It Won't Take Forever.

As dictated by Faranza Syns

Another quickie. Sorry, but my parents aren't actually advocates of oh-you-can-use-the-PC- anytime-you-want beliefs. Sometimes, I think it's a blessing in disguise. But sometimes, I think it's just plain cruel. Anyways, on with what I wanted to say.

Comments, people. As in, click-the-button-and-leave-a -comment comment, not type-in-the-CBox-and-click-enter comment.

This was done a year ago. Granted, I was... err... overcome with emotions then. But now, after posting it up at a Fiction Guild in IMVU and getting pretty (as in PRETTY), positive comments, I'm posting it here (again) on very, very professional terms.

Reminder: constructive comments, please. Pretty please?

My Fool, My Boo.

Those times when you stare,
And see nothing inside,
Perfection is bland,
You'll have nowhere to hide,
Should've fathomed fast,
What I feel inside,
Should've cradled close,
The feelings I hide.

That little mirror on the wall,
It lies in the dark,
No reflection, no light,
You leave no mark
Like little, little footsteps,
inch-deep in the snow,
You're vile, unwanted,
Your presence,
Best unknown.

So, hurry, go ahead,
Step out of my life,
You mean little to me,
You're nothing but strife,
Come the next, I'll be prepared,
You're not the first,
You're not the last.

Just know this, my fool,
You were never my boo.

Oh God. Now that I posted it up again, I feel a sudden chill and a sudden sense of dread. No one's gonna comment, isn't it?


Ah well. I love Abz and Vince.

I'll see you all soon. Soon.

Wedding bells aren't all they were cracked up to be.


Afzy said...

foolish boo....
aahahah =)
im commenting!!
LOL!!! hahhaa...
are u ok???
i mean... honestly...
reply me by commenting on MY blog.

Youko said...

Ok love, I'm leaving a comment ! Haaha , Great great poem i love ! :)

Anonymous said...

basically,im da only dat has no profile here..
ok,erm,da poem..
its kinda too deeeep..
so deeep,dat,its TOO deep..
i undrstnd it though..
FYI,ur comment moderater asked my to type in 'BUSHY'..
sounds wrong though.