December 22, 2008

Say: tahn-suh-lek-tuh-mee

As dictated by Faranza Syns

That is the sound of tonsillectomy. I am seriously scared like shit that I might have to go through that darned thing, you know.

What is tonsillectomy, you ask?

It's a darned operation to remove your tonsils. I know, it's a small thing only. Just your tonsils. And the pain it gets me into is not worth keeping it for.

But I don't want to go through an operation. I have a low threshold for pain. It's not the operation I'm scared of. But the pain afterwards. I'm no brave tin-soldier. I bemoan pain like a squealing rat. I'm pathetic.

Right now, my throat is sore. I can't swallow without having to grit my teeth. And I'm starting to feel pretty nauseous, once in a while. And no, I'm not preggers, so get that out of your mind right this instant.

What I hate about my swollen tonsils (and yes, they are swollen all the time) is that when it gets really inflamed, I'll get a bloody fever. Lo and behold, I got a fever during my little holiday to Pangkor. If there weren't so many tourists to feast my eyes upon, I would've killed myself.

The last time I got my tonsils so inflamed, I wretched day and night, feeling awful. Even the softest (and most liquified) Maggi noodles felt like thorns down my throat. My face was super red due to high fever and I basically felt like vegetable.

This time, it happened during a holiday. To Pangkor. I felt miserable. Worse than vegetable. Because that one time I could actually enjoy being somewhere relatively NEAR a beach, my throat had to turn into a bitch on me and leave me bed-bound. And my ears... let's not talk about the agony my ears are going through.

Haha. But I'm fine. I think. Am getting better.

Afzan, you're making me worried. And the deal is still on negotiation. XD

And people.. I do believe I've acquired a new affair.

And it's a he. Nyaaahahahahaha. XD

I did this celebrity thingy. =_='' Last time, I got a different one. Nyaaahahaha.


You big liar of a collage!


Then I decided, "Oh well, let's try a Morph instead."

MyHeritage: Celebrity Morph - Family tree picture - Geneology

LOL. It makes me look fatter. Haha. But I love my eyes. XD

Basically, it's Tyra's eyes. Har har har.

I must be really bored, doin this.

Here's another that I particularly liked.

MyHeritage: Celebrity Morph - Roots - Antique photographs

Will update on Pangkor tomorrow. XD

At least the souvie picture for Aja, that is. ;p

If I were ever to be skinny.... har har. =_=''

I just discovered. Love isn't for me. Not the loyal and abiding love. Not the monogamous love. Not the love that sticks through thick and thin. Because when you get down to it, I change my mind as quick as I make it. Lord knows.

A vicious cycle hath never been broken.