December 7, 2008

Realise it Now

As dictated by Faranza Syns

Keep in mind that I have only one avatar. *grin*

It looks like a friggin' poster. And so darned plain.

Well, I'm an amateur.

Funny, it actually looks all pink. 0_O... Breast Cancer campaign?

Or maybe the Aids Awareness Campaign. Goodness.

I'm supporting a good(-ish) cause?


What in the heck was I thinking?

(And yes, the models did show quite a lot of skin)

When I first did this, I was envisioning "Sexy in Black." But then I lost the mood. So it turned out like that.

Afzy: I'm bored.

Me: Lol. X) I'm kinda like bored too. So I did another IMVU 'shop. Haha.

Afzy: uh-huh... oh god hana. Please stop wif d bloody imvu. urgh.

Lol. Yes, I know it sickens you after a while. But it keeps me entertained, which says quite a lot since I feel like I have ADD.

Oooh! I have to research about Thalassemia.

Ugh, I've got a headache. I got as far as Thalassimia Major. Ugh, I need to lie down. Tomorrow's Aidil-Adha.


I'm so gonna die.

Toodles. Nighty-night!

I'm sorry if it hurt you.
All you had to do was tell me it hurts.