June 5, 2009


As dictated by Faranza Syns

I'm out of juice.

I have not written in the Malay language for... oh... six months? The occasional essay does not count because really, it doesn't require much effort. And disregard the fact that I never hand in any work unless threatened. And even then, I would still laze around until the last possible second.

But that's the besides the point. The point is, I'm a little rusty in Malay. Surprising, I know, to hear this from the Head of the Malay Language Department, but I only oversee things. I don't entirely get involved.

Until this fateful, horrible holiday. When none of my department members can be contacted (they seem to have developed a sixth sense where I'm concerned. "NO, MOM! SAY I'M NOT AT HOME!". You know who you are.)

Alright, I might be exaggerating it a little. And so, here I am, suffering through the challenge of being artistic while blotting my nose every nano-second, until I gave up and just shoved that small piece of tissue up my nose. Less inflammation due to friction that way.

And now, after 6 months of not ever being artistic in words, I'm finally out of juice.

But come to think of it... it feels good, being back in the writing scene. Of course, I'm a bit dry now. I seem to be repeating words, too. But the feeling that I get... it's ... wonderful?

Despite the cold I'm having.

I believe I'll write another short story for my blog. Let's see how it'll go against Kiss Kiss Muahx! and Vandalism -- A Crime?.

Say, how about Miracle?

But nevermind. The next one would be entitled Space.

And no, boys, please don't get excited. It's not a sci-fi. Sadly.

And look. It's midnight. My deadline's up, people. Ha, even HODs have deadlines.

What would the world be without deadlines?

Full of slackers like me, I say.

I <3>