May 22, 2009


As dictated by Faranza Syns

I have it bad.

I feel so anti-social, I'd put Freud to shame.

Okay, not to say that he was a super hermit. But you get what I'm trying to say.

I don't think I can speak to anyone anymore. It's like there's a blockage in my brain leading towards that little corner called "Social Graces".

Is it the diet? The stress? The exercising?

The exams?


Should I throw a dart on that? Because I really feel that they fall under the same group: AGONY.

I need to re-read Mirricae. I've lost my touch for humour.

When you start making unidentifiable sounds when there's a guy talking to you, that's when you know there's really no turning back.


Trying not to, and not succeeding trying not to do something (in simple english, the one where I don't twist the words, it means failing in that something that I set out to do) is really bad.

I nearly smacked Chi Hoe's butt.

I tried to resist.

He realised it, and he laughed.

And I laughed.

He was so adorable.

Maybe I should try to bite him, next.

Who knows what could happen?

High fives are not dead.