July 5, 2009

The Waiting

As dictated by Faranza Syns

I've been waiting for someone in our blogsphere to catch the blog-award fever.

It's mostly not certifiable anywhere but in our own little world. But then again, it's fun, so let's indulge, eh?

From Alya:

I wonder if they have it in gold?

But many thanks to Alya. Muahx muahx.


Kim Ng: Why do people blog? Seriously.

I was stumped. Because from her tone, I could easily hear the answer that she expects.

"Because bloggers are people who crave attention."

And if the tone with which she asked that question didn't give her away clearly enough, her diatribe on bloggers gave her views extra clarity.

One of her arguments was that people who blog have no life.

And there we were, me and Afzan, avid bloggers, staring at her. Afzan was already starting to defend her hobby when I was still trying to formulate a strong reason for blogging.

But I suppose Kim saved us anyways when she started listing the type of blogger she particularly hates.

Yay us, we didn't match her criterions of worthless, spineless bloggers.

Come to think of it, my reason for blogging really boiled down to one reason: attention. I really wanted that attention. And I suppose I had not much of a life back then when I blogged incessantly up to three posts per day. But lately, I get the itch to blog less. And I mostly blog to get to know new people. I've met countless new people through my blog. It's fun.

And seriously, if I didn't have a life, I wouldn't be sitting here blogging about it, would I?

Really, why generalise?

Because although at first, my motives might be not so exemplary, now I write to amuse. I write to express. Diaries are fun to express in, too, but a blog is like a licence to air your dirty laundry without getting caught for violation of sensibilities.

You get to tell people how you feel. If they please, they can read. If they don't, they'll just close the window, or merely press the back button.

Come to think of it, if there aren't blog readers, I doubt there would bloggers.

Oh shoot. Someone kill me before I start using some adage about light and darkness.

But I suppose Kim had a right to ask those questions. It's her opinion. And really, she lays down her own law pretty brutally.

Thank god I'm not so sensitive around her anymore.

Oh, being in V.I. once again was invigorating.

Amanda found her first love there, too.

Just one sensitive spot,
And geez you found it.


Afzy said...

we certainly was NOT in dat list...

Faranza Syns said...

Lol, we most certainly weren't. ;)

p/s: she's intimidating sometimes. Huhu.