July 30, 2009


As dictated by Faranza Syns

Attention SMKSBU Students:

There will be no school - I repeat, NO SCHOOL - from Friday (31st July) until the Thursday of the next week (6th August). And just in case you people think I must've mis-posted this, yes, it's the year 2009.

This is for SMKSBU students only. And really, if you know me, you know I don't joke about school.

If you need confirmation, call Ong Cheng Ken, or even the bloody principal if you want to.

Or of course, you could just let me convince you. *wink*

Pray hard enough, they say,
Well, I did.


. said...


Anonymous said...

i prayed real hard too, for something else. and well, let's just assume it wasn't enough.

keep posting more entries. it's really depressing to see the same damn post everytime i visit your bloggie. and by everytime i mean for about 3984715198295 times a day. call me a freak.


Afzy said...

hahah im convinced

Faranza Syns said...

@ Nat: What did you pray for? Maybe I should pray with you, too. Lol, I'll try to post more. It's flattering that you come to my blog 3984715198295 times a day. I feel moved. As soon as I feel better, I will.

@ Chi: Yes, H1N1. Gahahaaa.

@ Afzy: Awh, and I was hoping to convince you *wink*
