December 6, 2009


On the matter of...

As dictated by Faranza Syns

On a response by Mr. HD whom I assume responded to Ms. R's post:

Nothing's bad about being rich, really.

It's just how lavishly you live, that's all. And how much you flaunt your bloody-rich-glittering arses in people's faces.

And, truthfully, people wouldn't call you a spoilt brat unless you act like one. Hey! What's up with thinking that the term belongs to rich people only? Poor people deserve to be called spoilt brats occasionally, too, you know! Stop hogging!

It's not all black and white. You're rich - it doesn't mean you're spoilt beyond redemption. You have money - it doesn't mean you have a stick up your arse.

It all depends on how you were brought up, and how you've turned out. Having money's not really your green-card to idiocy. Neither is the lack of it your God-given excuse to not get educated.

In an ideal world, what people would measure you by is your strength of character, and your morality, and your knowledge in life. Not your degrees, not your doctorates. Just your wisdom.

But really, an ideal world is too much to ask for. Heck, dream on for utopia - what we really have is dystopia. There's no such thing as perfect. That's why we have shades of gray. That's why we have people like (I'm so sorry, but please don't sue me) Bush.

But I digress.

My point was: you won't be called a spoilt brat, until you act like one. Being rich is no passport to being an arsehole. And being poor is no justification for being a slacker.

People who are well off should, of course, help people who are not so well-to-do. But don't help them too much till one party becomes too dependent on the other. You've helped them: fine enough, you have fulfilled your part in the grand scheme of things. If they take the chance that had been proffered to them, and make the best of it, good. If they don't, well, too bad. Don't bemoan the fact that you've helped them and you gain nothing. In God's eyes, you've done your best, and you have gained something: (hopefully) God's approval.

Again, I stress upon the fact that you are not a spoilt brat until you start acting bratty.

I apologize if my views offend some people. Please inform me if it has.

I will definitely NOT write a retraction.

Har, har.
I so know I'm screwed on the wrong side up.


Afzy said...

did i say how much i LOVE ur writing again?
well here it is again..i LOVE it!! >.<

Faranza Syns said...

Awwwh. Thank you, babe. ;)

ちび said...

You're juz next to me now...I don't know why can't you write my blog add on a piece of paper.

Anonymous said...

yin here i'm converting missing ya