December 20, 2009

Pinky Promised Me.

As dictated by Faranza Syns

My aunt sorta made me realise how little time I have left.

Aunt #1: So, you've basically two weeks left before you're leaving, huh?

Me: Errr, I haven't counted.

Aunt #1: No, really. You have two weeks.

God. Even my aunt's feeling a lot more eager than I am. And since she so delicately reminded me of my rapidly dwindling time, I started thinking about my blog.

And its soon-to-be stranded pages.

Here's two pinky promises I'll give you:
  • I'll post up a continuation for Sean Hayes' story (the one that's been published in the school rag) before I leave.
  • And I'll make a come-back after March.

You remember what I wrote about pinky promises?

The one who breaks it has to swallow a thousand needles.


On prom:

