September 23, 2009

Cannot be Your Memory.

As dictated by Faranza Syns

I just realised (after a few seconds of reading Kye Li's blog) that I have no social life.

Sadly, this is one instance when I can't blame my genes. What am I supposed to say? "I had two recessive alleles and so now I'm anti-social!"? I think people would laugh.

The only guy who calls me is ... Derrick. And Hariz. I have a very sad life. And a chaste one, despite popular belief that I rape everyone and everything in sight. Butt-smacking is not considered rape, but really, I have very delicate friends and they think a little affectionate pat (smack) on the derriere shows that I have the inner makings of a highly professional perverted molester. Fear not. I don't think I have a hankering to burn in the inner sanctum of hell.

Anyways, back to the point. I am... so not sociable. When people are out enjoying their teenage-dom, I'm ...

Let's face it. I'm turning into an old geezer. Thank you, Hariz. Your dire predictions have come to light. I am indeed going to turn into a forty year-old spinster with thirty-six cats (plus one for each time you mentioned this prediction to me, because you can't help but make it worse than it is - every time.)


Eid ul Fitri.

I know this celebration is supposed to give me a message about life. But so far, the only message I got is "Humans are very productive. VERY productive."

I cannot believe how many spawns of... ahem. Well, that's that. I just wish people would stop thinking I would suddenly up and marry just because I'm in form 5.

Aunt # 3: Ah, when you get married, make sure you come visit me more with your husband.

Me: ... That's still a long way to go.

Aunt # 3: *gasp* Oh yeah! Oh my! Well, then, maybe when you get engaged?

What. The. Hell.

I have commitment issues. I'm never getting married. Understood?

As much as the thought of marital bliss warms me, I just can't stomach it.

Lost your sense of fear,
Feelings insincere.